Embrace the chaos of life!

Prioritize Self-Care

  • Take Small Breaks: Even 5-10 minutes of quiet time can make a difference. Practice deep breathing, stretch, or simply sit in silence.
  • Stay Hydrated & Eat Regularly: Proper nutrition and hydration can help stabilize your mood and energy.
  • Rest When Possible: Nap when your child naps or go to bed earlier when needed.

Set Realistic Expectations

  • Adjust Your Standards: It’s okay if the house isn’t spotless or if dinner isn’t elaborate.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge the little successes, like surviving a tough day or your child learning something new.

Remember what might be considered Realistic Expectations for someone else might not fit your routine. Find what works for you, and always try your best!

Set Realistic Expectations

  • Parenting Apps: Apps like Cozi or ParentPal can help with organization and reminders.
  • Educational Videos: Watch short parenting tips or mindfulness videos for inspiration.
  • Childcare Options: If possible, take advantage of part-time childcare or playgroups.

Your local pediatric office, or Department of Health and Human Resources generally have a list of different places that offer different types of help.